WinDbg psscor4 !ASPXPages -ip not listing anything (1 viewing) 1 Guest
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TOPIC: WinDbg psscor4 !ASPXPages -ip not listing anything
WinDbg psscor4 !ASPXPages -ip not listing anything 19 Oct 2012 - 13:21
I'm analyzing a dump file taken with procdump -ma w3wp on a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 machine running .NET 4.
!ASPXPages –ip
Going to dump the HttpContexts found in the heap.
HttpContext Client IP Server IP ThreadId
Total 42 HttpContext objects
This command output list just the headers and no values compared to !ASPXPages which fills in the normal output (but no IP's). Any ideas why this is happening on my dump file?
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